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Food & Drink


865 views · Feb 21, 2022
Visit Channel:publisher-humix How to Feed Chickens Apple Treats. Can chickens eat apples? Chickens absolutely love apples and as long as you do not feed them the core, that contains the apple seeds and stem, they are perfectly safe to feed. Keep a few things in mind though when feeding apples to your chickens: 1. Apple seeds and stems can be toxic to chickens. Core the apples before serving it to them. 2. Feed in moderation. Chickens should eat their regular feed first and then serving them treats is ok. 3. Treats shouldn't be more than 10% of their daily diet. How to Feed Chickens Apple Treats: Recipe/Ingredients 1. Apples without the cores 2. Fill centers with Peanut butter or Lactose Free Yogurt 4. Dip the peanut butter and yogurt mixture into Chicken Scratch 5. Use skewers to hang the apple treats 6. Hang the Apple Treat Skewers out for your Chickens to enjoy!
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