“Are sprouted grains better for chickens?” Sprouting grains will save on feed cost and unlock hidden nutrients that your chicken could not have benefitted from in the raw form. Chickens that are provided with sprouted grains are not only healthier, but also produce eggs that are nutritionally better for you!
There are several grains to choose from, but there are a handful that most chicken enthusiasts would agree are better than others because they provide the nutrients that chickens crave.
F.A.Q.’s About Sprouts
Sprouts and fodder both start out as grains. They are called sprouts when you harvest them between 1/2″-2″ and anything taller than 2″ is known as fodder. If you are feeding the fodder to your chickens, it is best to feed it to them no longer than 4″ in length. Any longer than this and it increases the chances of it developing an impacted crop.
v>Sprouts can last from a few days up to 2 weeks, depending upon the variety, if stored in a closed container in the refrigerator. To prolong the life of sprouts, they can be rinsed under cool water daily and returned to the refrigerator.
1. Sprouting Grains for Chickens Unlocks Hidden Nutrients

Does Sprouting Grains Increase Nutrients?
Sprouting grains does unlock up to 50% more nutrients as compared to grains that are not sprouted. This is because the outer layer of starch is stripped from the grains during the sprouting process, releasing what is inside of it.

What Does Sprouting Chicken Feed do to the Grains?
Grains contain an outer layer of starch. Spouting chicken feed grains requires providing moisture to the grains. During the sprouting process, the outer layer of starch is stripped from the grains, releasing the beneficial nutrients inside of it.
“When sprouting begins, enzymes within the grain are activated and start to metabolize the starchy endosperm. This transforms long-term storage starch into simple sugars that are more easily digested by the growing plant. Protein compounds within the grain go through the same type of transformation – newly activated enzymes increase the bioavailability of storage proteins by transforming them into peptides and amino acids.”
Whole Grains Council
It is because of this transformation of the starch into simple sugar, it makes the grains easier for your chickens to digest.
2. Sprout Chicken Feed Grains to Save on Chicken Feed Cost

If you are looking for a simple way to save on your chicken feed cost, start sprouting various chicken grains and then feed them to your flock. Not only will it save you money, but it will make your chickens healthier too!
How Does Sprouting My Chicken Feed Grains Reduce Chicken Feed Cost?
Sprouting your chickens grains to feed to your them will help to reduce your feed cost. Chickens will only consume what they need. Spouted grains contain up to 50% more nutrients, thus reducing the amount of food that your chickens will need to consume
Chicken grains have an outer layer of starch. By soaking the grains in water and allowing them to sprout, it strips this outer layer, allowing your chickens access to all the wonderful hidden nutrients inside of them!
3. Chickens that Eat Sprouted Grains are Healthier
It’s true! Chickens that eat sprouted grains are healthier chickens. Sprouting grains for your flock provides them with additional nutrients. This is especially beneficial to chickens that are not able to free range. Sprouting their grains allows them access to their “greens” all year round.
4. Chickens that Eat Sprouted Grains Produce Nutritionally Better Eggs

Not only are chickens that eat sprouted grains healthier, but they produce eggs that are nutritionally better for you.
“A hen that is raised in an environment that she is not crowded, allowed to free range outdoors and has access to a healthy diet is going to lay an egg that is better for you than a factory farm hen egg. Farm fresh eggs will not only last longer, but they are richer in color, much tastier and nutritionally better for you.“
Are Farm Fresh Eggs Really Better for You?
Sprouted Grains vs. Non-Sprouted Grains

Sprouting grains for your chickens will provide them with a great increase in nutrition. By feeding them better, they will produce eggs that are also better for you!
5. Best Grains to Sprout for Chickens
- Mung Beans
- Wheat
- Black Oiled Sunflower Seeds (B.O.S.S.)
- Split Peas
- Lentils
I chose these 5 grains for a few reasons:
- They sprout quickly.
- They can be fed sooner to your chickens.
- These grains and seeds will give you the biggest bang for your buck. (inexpensive)
- They are packed with nutrients that are released when sprouted.
MUNG BEANS | $1.99 – 1 LB |
WHEAT | $0.68 – 1 LB |
SPLIT PEAS | $1.37 – 1 LB |
LENTILS | $1.34 – 1 LB |
How do You Make Sprouts for Chickens?
1: Choose Your Grain or Seed You Want to Sprout
2: Wash Your Grains or Seeds
3: Let Grains or Seeds Soak Overnight in a Mason Jar
4: Drain
5: Loosely Cover Mason Jar
6: Rinse 2-3 Times/Day for 3-4 days.
7: Drain
8: Feed to Chickens when sprouts are less than 2″ in length.
If you continue to let the sprouts grow, it will become fodder. Chickens also love this and will enjoy the additional greens that this supplies. Make sure to give it to them before it grows longer than 4″. Any longer than 4″ and it can cause problems such as crop impaction.
Fermenting chicken feed is another way to unlock an abundance of nutrients that your flock otherwise doesn’t benefit from. This involves soaking their laying pellets or crumbles in water for a couple days before serving it to them.

CONCLUSION: Are Sprouted Grains Better for Chickens? 5 Surprising Facts
Spouted grains are definitely better for your chickens and they will absolutely love being served them!
- Sprouting grains will unlock up to 50% more nutrients for your chickens.
- By sprouting your chickens feed, it will save on your feed cost.
- Chickens that eat sprouted grains are generally healthier because of the better diet they are consuming.
- Because sprouted grains have increased nutrients, these added nutrients are passed on to the eggs that hens lay and we consume!
- The easiest grains to sprout for your chickens are mung beans, lentils, black-oiled sunflower seeds, split peas and wheat.
Are Sprouted Grains Better for Chickens? 5 Surprising Facts
About the Author
Jenny is a chicken enthusiast and has raised a variety of different breeds of chickens in her Northern California backyard for the past 27 years.
She enjoys using incubators to incubate and hatch fertile chicken eggs so she can raise baby chicks from day 1.
Some of her favorites include Crested Cream Legbars, Marans, Silkies, Orpingtons and Olive Eggers. These breeds make a beautiful basket of farm fresh eggs!
Both she and her husband built their own chicken coop and she and her Dad built her current chick brooder.
Jenny likes to share tips and tricks that she has learned over the years to make it easier for others to raise happy, healthy and productive chickens.
Two years ago, Jenny released a Special 9 Herb Chicken Nesting Box Blend that helps to increase hen egg production as well as keep chickens happy and healthy.
Last year she released Cooling Herbs for Chickens that helps to lower chicken core body temperature during extreme heat.