17 Tips – How to Keep Chickens Cool in Extreme Heat


Are your chickens panting, spreading their wings, trying to cool off? This can be nerve wracking! There are several things that I have found useful to keep chickens cool in extreme heat. I think that you will too.

Best Dollar Store Chicken Supplies- 23 Important Products

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Many important chicken supplies you can actually purchase at the dollar store for a fraction of the cost! Instead, take the money you save from

Read More Best Dollar Store Chicken Supplies- 23 Important Products

15 Essential Incubation Tips – How to Improve Hatch Rate

Improve Your Hatch Rate

Incubating and hatching eggs is one of the most gratifying and addicting parts of chicken keeping! Nothing is more amazing in this hobby than watching little chicks finally break out of their shells and make their appearance. Below are 15 essential tips that if followed, will greatly improve your hatch rate.

Improve Your Chickens Health-12 Unique Benefits of ACV

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Not only humans can benefit from the many uses of apple cider vinegar, but chickens can too! 12 Benefits of Using ACV.